
“Yes, my schizophrenia is a life condition, but I do not see my schizophrenia as a life sentence.”

How Can We Help?

Welcome to the Nityanand Schizophrenia Treatment Centre in Pune. Our primary focus is providing specialist care for individuals living with schizophrenia. Our dedicated team of professionals has the required knowledge and skills necessary to offer comprehensive support and cater to the unique needs of each person affected by this condition.

Our Approach to Schizophrenia Treatment

Schizophrenia is a complex mental condition, and we know the importance of a comprehensive treatment plan. Our approach combines various evidence-based therapies to address the specific needs of each individual.

Medication Management:

Our team includes doctors who can prescribe and monitor medicine to help manage symptoms effectively.

Talking Therapies:

We offer talking therapies with qualified therapists to help individuals explore their thoughts and feelings, develop coping mechanisms, and improve emotional well-being.

Skills for Daily Life:

Our therapists can provide training in practical skills to manage everyday tasks more effectively, such as stress management, social interaction, and maintaining healthy routines.

Family Support: or incoherent speaking.

We recognise the significant role families play in supporting individuals with schizophrenia. We offer support and education programmes to help families understand the condition, develop coping strategies, and provide effective assistance to their loved ones.

Why Choose Nityanand Rehab?

Finding the right facility is crucial for your recovery journey when seeking treatment and support for schizophrenia. At Nityanand Rehab, we understand the specific challenges faced by individuals with schizophrenia. We offer exceptional care led by renowned schizophrenia specialists in Pune.

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